Sunday, March 5, 2017

Cool Tool Blog Entry I: SlideGo

SlideGo is a website that you can use to create slideshow presentations. SlideGo is free (which is always great) and is integrated with your social network. This mean that you can sign in with your pre existing Google, Yahoo, or even your Facebook account instead of having to go through the process of creating and registering a new account (which is still offered). I think that this is a pretty convenient feature. 
Index Page
SlideGo has some notable features. The content can be both edited and played on mobile devices. It is also compatible with programs that facilitate learning like Moodle and Edmodo, two programs that I think are very popular. SlideGo offers a feature that allows multiple editing. This is a great feature seeing as partners won't always be able to work together. Being able to work and edit while not being together can help make a project or presentation go much smoother. SlideGo also offers the option to either broadcast live, or to present offline. SlideGo offers a support forum on as well so that you can get questions that you may have answered. 
The site has a lot of content that can be viewed. One notable stand out are the collections that the website has. Pictured below shows lessons that were created and uploaded by teachers to be shared on the site. 

I personally had some trouble navigating the website. I couldn't figure out where you could start to create a powerpoint, so I had to upload a previous one and edit it just so I could test it out. After testing it out I can personally say I don't like how the tool works. Despite having a forum for support there isn't a tutorial to use the website either and the quick glance video displayed on the index page seems outdated. I think that it's more simple just to stick with Microsoft powerpoint or the google powerpoint for creating the slideshows. Since I think that it's more simple to use Microsoft Powerpoint  I don't think that I would have my students use this site to make presentations in the classroom. Despite its shortcomings I do really enjoy the idea of sharing lessons. I think that using the website for sharing is great, but I'd rather create my slideshows using something else and then uploading them onto the site. 

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