Monday, April 10, 2017

Major Project Blog III: Practice Makes Perfect

After completing my first pillow, Samantha (my critical friend) and I decided that I should spend some time working on my straight stitch technique rather than moving on to something new. I was working on making my stitching closer. The tighter (or closer) the stitching is, the cleaner the seam is going to look. This is why sewing machines are so great. The machine stitches very close together.
Fleece Material

The material that was used this time around in place of felt was a fleece material. Fleece is harder to sew than felt because it's more pliable, therefore it doesn't always stay together as easily as felt.  The needle used this time was much smaller than the one used for the pillow. Even though bigger ones are more friendly for beginners due them not being too sharp and their ease of use, it was necessary to use a smaller needle for fleece because of the type of material it is. The fibers in fleece are woven; therefore you need a smaller needle to pierce the material easier. Sam decided that I should sew in a circle this time around because its harder to keep the stitches straight and consistent.

My stitching vs Sam's. Can you guess who did which one?
Sewing machines save a lot of time
I asked Sam if she could do some sewing this time around so that I could use hers as an example. As you can see from the picture above, her's is a lot more consistent mine. Lucky for her she's lightning fast with her stitching. Unfortunately I still move at a snail's pace. Even though my stitching is not as good as her's it has improved quite a bit since the last blog entry. In the picture below I compared the progress of my stitching to the pillow I created in the last blog. The stitching in the circle is a lot closer together compared to the pillow. Because of this you don't see the stitching as much in the seam. I also added a picture of a seam that was stitched together using a sewing machine so you can see the difference.
 For my next entry, I plan on moving to a different type of stitching technique. The technique that I want to work on is the back stitch. The back stitch is more advanced than the straight stitch, but is still an appropriate technique for beginners to learn. I have already began searching the internet for information on this technique. I have already found a great Youtube video and a website that provides tutorials on how to do it. Thanks for reading!

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